Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Naturally, right after I mention my love-hate relationship with food blogs, I discover this. And within that, this. Hostess cupcakes were my #1 junk food obsession as a child. Twinkies and Moon Pies I never understood: the thought of them still makes me gag. And I'd probably gag upon tasting a Hostess cupcake today, but in my memory they are immaculately sweet and gooey. I will be making this recipe as soon as... I can convince myself to buy marshmallow creme. Hm, I forgot there was marshmallow in the middle. Blech. Anyway, might as well go enjoy this newest expansion of Cook's Illustrated before they start charging $29.95 for it. ;)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

Laura, I love your new theme: it's very you. And the picture on that link makes me wish Hostess cupcakes had been an obsession as a child . . . (moon pies were yes, inexplicable -- something less polished relatives ate for some reason with a strange devotion -- and I didn't even know for the longest time what twinkies were, except a snack food for the privileged majorities)