Friday M went back to work and I had him home for dinner, but I don't remember what we did—something snacky as usual. I think I had cake for dinner. The Bundt cake actually got better with age, up until a certain point (like maybe 4 days). It had moments of tasting like a chocolate cake donut. That was a keeper for the make-ahead dessert file for sure.
Friday/Saturday I made bagels for breakfast, trying the cinnamon raisin variety for the first time. That batch of dough took much longer to pass the float test for some reason, and I had some difficulty mixing it the night before. I was kind of surprised the cinnamon went right into the dough when mixing it the day before, since I remember reading in the King Arthur baking book that cinnamon and yeast don't do well together (something about cinnamon having slightly antimicrobial properties that work against the microbes that make up the yeast). But both they and the plain ones came out very well indeed.
I made a quiche lorraine and roasted some frozen Brussels sprouts for dinner. Brussels sprouts make the house smell so bad, and I would definitely prefer making fresh over frozen, but they were pretty good roasted with a little bacon fat and olive oil mixed.
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