Friday, September 9, 2011

second try at Indian

Last night I made tandoori chicken from BIR, and aside from the necessary tweaks that one must make when the smallest split chicken breasts you can find are at least half a pound heavier than the ones specified in the recipe (somewhere near America's Test Kitchen they apparently have them as small as 10 oz?), it was a success. I was surprised at how moist and juicy the meat was even after the extra 500 degree oven time.  The flavor from the marinade was nice, but the chutney was really a pleasant surprise: I liked it without even trying. Fruit and spices and salt and vinegar is a bit of a stretch for me, but I'm glad I made it. It paired very well indeed with the chicken, which was by no means spicy (neither was the chutney, really).

the one photo I bothered to take---mango chutney

The green beans (made before and loved) were disappointing: as I was trimming them I realized they weren't as fresh and "snappy" as usual, and I tried one last time, unsuccessfully, to find a good use for light coconut milk. I'm realizing that cooked applications simply are not going to work. The milk breaks and the resulting sauce is awful. So I have some leftover for smoothies and I am not going to sweat using a bit of full fat coconut milk in a side dish of all things, because there's just no replacing it.

Tonight I'm planning to try another new CI recipe that I've seen people rave about online: lighter mac & cheese with ham and peas. Recipe here. I am looking for other recipes just to use up the evaporated milk stockpile I have unwittingly built up over the past couple years, so any recommendations are welcome...

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